Coimatan - Connecting Small Businesses and Community


Coimatan, based out of Minnesota, has made it their goal to help support small businesses in their area and to connect them with the people in their community. Specifically, they have focused on using art as a means to help convey their message of unity in their Art Unites campaign.

"Celebrating diverse voices makes for a vibrant and welcoming community"

Dust City Wood Sticker had the pleasure of collaborating with Coimatan on some custom Wood Stickers for their Art Unites campaign. They worked with local Minnesotan artists to each create a unique design with the theme of Minnesotans Unite. Their goal with these designs was to spread a message of positivity and unity in a year that has been filled with negativity and separation.

They have since taken this message even further and have begun to offer additional resources to local businesses. Most recently, they released a BIPOC small business directory to help showcase Minnesotan locals BIPOC business across Minnesota.

Interested in learning more? Check out their website below!

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